With proper financial advice women can also compete with men equally.

The best financial advice for women

When it comes to personal finance, the attention is always on the men, leaving women out of the discussion concerning making money, saving and growing money. Despite their contribution towards society, in terms of career and taking care of their family. Women always end up with fewer earnings at the end of the day.

Many factors are responsible for these gaps, from inequality in payment between men and women, life expectancy, and sometimes divorce. Here we listed some financial advice for women below.

1. Make the mindset

The mindset among women that they can not succeed in life financially and still be good at home is a myth. Women must start thinking about achieving financial success without sacrificing their home and duties as mothers and wives.

Many examples are there for women to see in the society of those women who are leading a multinational corporation and still handling their families perfectly. In most cases, women usually withdraw from competition with men for jobs and social positions because of their family responsibility.

2. Financial literacy and advice

When it comes to financial knowledge, there is a general assumption that women know less than men. Learning about personal finance and money management is crucial for women to catch up with men in the world of finance and society at large.

A constant visit to a financial advisor can help women take a holistic view of their finances, from accumulation to protection to distribution. Finance education will help them see that all considerations are taken into account and planned accordingly.

3. Have financial plans

A financial professional can help you establish your goals and determine what strategies can help you reach your goals. Like their men counterparts, women must prioritize their financial plan and confidence to achieve it. Having a financial plan is not enough. Women must be ready to work hard to achieve such financial goals.

4. Build confidence, build wealth

It is, in general, believed that the gap in financial dependence between men and women is due to confidence. The confidence gap is directly proportional to women’s participation in investments like the stock market and cryptocurrencies.

Hence, confidence is key to building wealth, so women must develop confidence in investments. They must start building confidence in salary negotiation to fight for an executive role in the workplace.

5. Save and invest

Women are very cautious when it comes to spending. They are very significant in saving than men. Becoming too cautious and not wanting to take risks will make you miss out on making more money from investing. But if you want to build wealth as a woman, saving alone is not enough but continuous investing in interest generating bonds, stock, and real estate. Investing makes your money work for you, thereby making it the fastest way to build wealth.

6. Save for retirement

The harsh truth is that women earn less in their vocations than men. A study suggests that women earn 10.75% (average) less than men, in the case of pension they get 25%+ lower. This pay gap is wider for women than we count. The implication is that women will contribute less to pension and security funds as both are dependent on earning history.

Women likewise spend more than men because their items are estimated to be 7% higher than men’s, and ladies also live longer than men. Hence, women need to help themselves save more towards their long retirement period and deal with any medical problems.

7. Avoid a divorce

Divorce could be expensive and could take its toll on the finance of both parties. Women should avoid divorce as it will deplete their savings. When divorce happens, women tend to take custody of the children, thereby making them struggle to take care of child costs.

Women encounter a lot during divorce, from emotional stress to financial consequences such as adjusting to a lower standard of living. Divorce threatens financial stability as most divorce women fall into poverty after divorce as many of them do not receive child support in full.

8. Stay out of debt

In recent times, women have competed with men to complete a college education and graduate school.
This makes them take student loans that follow many graduates well into careers, and women face serious obstacles when it comes to debt repayment. Paying loans from their limited resources leaves less money to save for other financial priorities, like buying a home or building retirement savings.

Women who want to be financially free and independent must stay out of debt and loans as much as possible. They are encouraged to pursue the option with great earnings, so they have to do it with caution and lesser loan and debts.

9. Stand up for yourself

In this world that men dominate, women need to be more courageous and stand up for themselves. Speaking up and negotiating for contracts and pay rise will let women go head to head in a corporate environment and help their finance. Women also need to work harder to save more and control their finances. Women should also start fighting for what is theirs and take their place in society.

10. Make money from home

With the help of the internet, whether you are a staying-at-home as housewife or jobholder, you can now make more money from the comfort of your home. Passive income can give women the opportunity to bridge the gap between them and their men counterparts in earning. There are many ways to earn passive income both online and offline. You have to choose the comfortable one that suits you best.


As discussed earlier in personal finances, there are many steps for women to bridge the gap between themselves and men. There is an excellent connection between what women earn and the value they deliver, hence women must be ready to give more importance to earn more money. Since they both have access to the same education and labor market, women must take advantage of this to up their financial game and ask for more.