Average net worth by age

Understanding average net worth by age

Net worth is a key indicator of financial health, representing the difference between an individual’s assets and liabilities. It provides a snapshot of financial stability and progress over time. Analyzing net worth by age helps understand financial milestones and can guide financial planning strategies. This article delves into the average net worth by age in the United States, factors influencing these figures, and strategies to improve net worth at different life stages.

Average Net Worth by Age

The Early Chapters: Under 35 Years

  • Average Net Worth: $76,300
  • Median Net Worth: $13,900

The first chapter of adulthood often introduces us to the exhilarating yet daunting task of building a financial foundation. For those under 35, life is a blank canvas waiting to be painted with the vibrant hues of education, career aspirations, and perhaps the pursuit of homeownership. However, this period is also marked by the financial brushstrokes of student loan debt and entry-level salaries, which can make navigating the financial landscape a challenge.

On average, individuals under 35 have a median net worth of approximately $13,900. This modest figure often bears the weight of student loan debt, which acts as a hurdle before the accumulation of substantial assets begins. The early twenties and thirties are characterized by financial learning curves, with many focusing on establishing their careers, creating emergency funds, and navigating the delicate balance between saving and spending.

Navigating the Middle Ground: 35 to 44 Years

  • Average Net Worth: $436,200
  • Median Net Worth: $91,300

As we progress through life’s chapters, our financial landscape begins to take shape. For those aged 35 to 44, the median net worth rises to around $91,300, signaling a period of increased financial stability and potential growth. Careers advance, and individuals in this age group may see a more substantial return on their investments.

This chapter often involves pivotal financial decisions such as homeownership, marriage, and family planning. While these milestones contribute to the growth of assets, they can also bring additional financial responsibilities. Balancing mortgage payments, childcare costs, and saving for the future become integral parts of the narrative.

The Prime Earning Years: 45 to 54 Years

  • Average Net Worth: $833,200
  • Median Net Worth: $168,600

Entering the prime earning years, individuals aged 45 to 54 experience a notable uptick in average net worth. With a median net worth of approximately $168,600, this stage reflects the culmination of years of hard work, strategic financial planning, and, in many cases, increased earning potential.

This period often witnesses the peak of one’s career, with individuals reaching higher positions and enjoying the fruits of their labor. It’s a time when smart investment decisions made in earlier years start to yield significant returns. Retirement planning takes center stage, and assets become critical as individuals look toward securing their financial future.

The Bridge to Retirement: 55 to 64 Years

  • Average Net Worth: $1,175,900
  • Median Net Worth: $212,500

As the retirement horizon looms closer, the 55 to 64 age group navigates the bridge between the peak earning years and the golden years of retirement. The median net worth rises to around $212,500, reflecting the accumulated wealth from decades of work, investments, and financial planning.

This period often involves strategic decisions about when to retire, how to allocate assets for long-term stability, and considerations about healthcare costs in retirement. For some, it might also be a time to downsize, liquidate certain assets, or make decisions that align with their retirement goals.

The Golden Years: 65 to 74 Years

  • Average Net Worth: $1,217,700
  • Median Net Worth: $266,400

Entering the golden years of retirement, individuals aged 65 to 74 witness a shift in their financial landscape. While the median net worth remains substantial at around $266,400, the focus transitions from wealth accumulation to wealth preservation and utilization.

Retirees often draw from their savings and investments to support their lifestyles. Social Security, pension plans, and other retirement benefits become primary income sources. Health considerations and potential long-term care expenses become important factors in financial planning during this stage.

Reflecting on a Legacy: 75 Years and Older

  • Average Net Worth: $977,600
  • Median Net Worth: $254,800

The final chapter of life’s financial journey for those 75 years and older involves reflection on the legacy they leave behind. The median net worth hovers around $254,800, showcasing the balance between enjoying the fruits of a lifetime of labor and ensuring financial security for the remaining years.

Estate planning becomes a significant consideration during this period, as individuals may contemplate passing on assets to heirs or charitable causes. It’s a time of reflection, gratitude, and potentially passing on financial wisdom to the next generation.

Factors Influencing Net Worth

Several factors influence net worth across different age groups

Income and Employment: Higher income levels generally lead to higher net worth. Consistent employment with opportunities for career advancement significantly impacts financial stability and asset accumulation.

Education: Higher educational attainment often correlates with higher earning potential. However, student loans can initially hinder net worth growth for younger individuals.

Homeownership: Real estate is a major component of net worth. Homeownership builds equity over time and can significantly boost net worth, particularly in middle age.

Investments: A diversified investment portfolio, including stocks, bonds, and retirement accounts, contributes to net worth growth. Early and consistent investing amplifies the benefits of compound interest.

Debt Management: Effective debt management is crucial. High-interest debts, like credit cards, can erode net worth, while strategic use of low-interest debts, such as mortgages, can support asset growth.

Savings Habits: Regular savings habits, including emergency funds and retirement accounts, are essential. Automated savings and employer-sponsored retirement plans can facilitate consistent saving.

Economic Conditions: Economic factors, such as inflation, interest rates, and market performance, impact net worth. Economic downturns can affect employment, investment returns, and real estate values.

Strategies to Improve Net Worth by Age

Improving net worth requires tailored strategies at different life stages:

  1. Under 35 Years Old
    • Focus on Debt Reduction: Prioritize paying off high-interest debts, particularly credit cards and student loans.
    • Build an Emergency Fund: Establish a fund covering 3-6 months of living expenses.
    • Start Investing Early: Take advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans and consider opening a Roth IRA.
  2. 35-44 Years Old
    • Maximize Retirement Contributions: Contribute the maximum to retirement accounts, including 401(k) plans and IRAs.
    • Diversify Investments: Explore a balanced mix of stocks, bonds, and real estate.
    • Increase Savings Rate: Aim to save at least 20% of your income.
  3. 45-54 Years Old
    • Review and Adjust Financial Goals: Reassess retirement plans and adjust contributions as needed.
    • Pay Down Mortgage: Consider making extra payments to reduce mortgage debt.
    • Plan for Education Expenses: Utilize 529 plans or other savings accounts for children’s education.
  4. 55-64 Years Old
    • Catch-Up Contributions: Take advantage of catch-up contributions for retirement accounts.
    • Minimize Debt: Work towards becoming debt-free, particularly eliminating high-interest debts.
    • Healthcare Planning: Ensure you have adequate health insurance and consider long-term care insurance.
  5. 65-74 Years Old
    • Manage Retirement Withdrawals: Develop a strategy for drawing down retirement accounts to minimize tax impact.
    • Optimize Social Security Benefits: Delay claiming Social Security benefits to increase the monthly payout if possible.
    • Downsize if Necessary: Consider downsizing your home to reduce expenses and free up equity.
  6. 75 and Older
    • Sustain Financial Health: Monitor spending and investment performance to ensure financial resources last.
    • Estate Planning: Update wills, trusts, and beneficiary designations to reflect current wishes.
    • Healthcare and Support Services: Plan for potential healthcare needs and consider assisted living or in-home care options.


Understanding the average net worth by age and the factors influencing it is crucial for effective financial planning. By adopting age-appropriate strategies, individuals can improve their financial health and work towards achieving financial security and independence. Whether you’re just starting your career or enjoying retirement, proactive financial management is key to building and maintaining a healthy net worth.